David, thank you for this retelling - I’m sure it cost you something. My pivotal church meeting was 5 years ago in January. It was gutting, disorienting, and in hindsight, ushered me to a wide open space that keeps getting wider… and more fun. Meaning there is a provocative playfulness of God out here in the wild. It makes me want thin skin. As thin as possible. As translucent as your story here, where the life can show through. The bravest people I know are the thin skinned ones. They’re like those spring rolls with rice paper - you know what’s inside. You know what to expect and that feels so much safer than the alternative.

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Oh I felt this. Every word. I keep picturing Jesus crammed into a corner of that overflowing meeting, crying his eyes out. I wonder if he was changed by it too.

This line struck me: "I don’t know if I’m more resilient now, or if my skin is thinner than it’s ever been." It's both. Both and. At least that's what my therapist would say. Both things can be true.

Pump up song addition: Dog Days by Florence and the Machine

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That didn’t sound like a meeting, it sounded like a mob! It’s very relatable to struggle to know whether something traumatic like that strengthened or weakened you. Sometimes, as someone who has gone through my own hard moments, it feels like both.

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David, I am sorry you experienced this. Sounds like mob behavior. I once had a horrible experience in college with a large mob of guys who had been drinking. I hadn’t thought of that for years. Thankfully God brought us through this relatively safely, but it does change us to see people at their worst. My soundtrack is Breakfast in America by Supertramp. Take care!!

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Every time I hear about the meeting I wish our Wesleyan peeps had been there for you more and greater :/ sorry man.

My pump ups might not be your flavor but here's a couple:

Shut up and dance - Walk the Moon

Never look away - Vienna Teng

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Oh shoot, Shut Up and Dance 100% does it for me too! Should have been on the list

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ps. On Tuesday have an ice cream for me! Dianne

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Thanks David for this painful sharing. I so get the horror of this experience. When we had our community meeting to answer questions about the houseless microvillage being built on Parkrose’s community UCC campus I was called the pastor who perpetuated lies and someone who cared less about the neighborhood because I did not live in the community. The vitriol was real and palpable. Though I did not have the same after the meeting reaction you did. I do know it added layers of trauma that I live with and live through. The cost was real. Would I do it again? Many questions to process and experience to integrate 3 years later. I am ever grateful for you coming to meet and support Parkrose with your book in hand. There is grace in our relationship as well as our churches. We are battle buddies. And I want you to know I so understand. Shalom Dianne

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“Boss Ladies” by Photronique. I ALWAYS feel good listening to it.


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Forest Frank - Good Day!

Sometimes it's a celebration of a good day. Sometimes it's a declaration for me. Somedays it's a desire. But I love this song for good vibes!

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