I love this post so much. At times I have been furious at both David Bazan and Aaron Wiess of mewithoutYou for CHANGING THEIR MINDS. Oh how the turntables turn.

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This. Is. So. Relatable. I looked for 3 minutes to find it, but at one point I saw a magnet on God's green internet that said, "I'm sorry for what I said when I was an Evangelical teenager." 😂 But here are some words that are true: "I hope when you come home to yourself there are flowers lining the front porch, that were left from all the (men) you were before." (by maiapoetry). Thank you for sharing all of this, and for what it's worth, I once threw a 50 Cent CD as far as I could into a lake. 😂

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That CD was a banger. I got rid of it too. It was so expensive in the mid to late 00's re-buying all the CDs I got rid of over the years...

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Is this where I tell you Toby told a story last night of being on shrooms at Furnace Fest two years ago 😆

I said to my husband last night that I love seeing the Christian-ish bands spend the last 20 years deconverting with me. Their music means something different to both them and me. The emo is still emo, for different reasons.

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Just so you know.... You were loved at 20. And you're loved now.

Now, I get your point here and.... Amen. But you needed to be that guy to be the guy you are now. It's all a part of your journey man. And even though you never text me back I'm still friends with you. And I knew 18-year-old you. 🤣

P.S. are you sure that wasn't my Rage CD? Also, how dare you cut off MXPX!!!

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