It does feel so futile…all of the time, sometimes? I teach an adult sunday school of 1-4 people. I don’t know who’s going to show up and people are often late and one person needs to leave early to help with service. So I get 30 minutes, maybe 15 on some days, to try and get people to engage with scripture.

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American Christianity is such a unique take on ministry. It troubles me that it's been used as a weapon as opposed to a tool for good. That or they build up walls that keep people out.

Your sermons, knock down those walls and build bridges. It's tiring work, but you're doing a great job.

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Unfortunately, all that you say is true AND we Christians - pastors and lay people - can't ever give up on doing the next right thing regardless of how futile it seems sometimes. We have to stand up for the Gospel that includes, as Rollin Ramsuran put it, "do no harm".

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