I wasnt allowed to play cards as a kid (tools of the devil and all that). That was one of the things that attracted me to my wife: her family were avid Pitch, Spades and especially Nurtz players. They weren’t and aren’t much for board games). I dont agree with much of their politics, but you’re right—when we’re around the card table we’re all equal.

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I’m not a board games person, but I will play board games to hang out with people. I actually love playing a solo game (like a crossword) while listening to other people play a board game.

And I am firmly convinced that anything that feels like church is church. As well as now I am firmly convinced that Skip-Bo is a great dog name!

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Ooh I love games and hadn't thought about it from this angle. My grandma also loved SkipBo and taught us all...but 30 cards?! That is next level! Some of my favorite games: Nertz! is my favorite card game; but I'll play a word game anytime...Scrabble and Boggle forever.

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If you're at Barnes and Noble or a board game store ever, you should buy SHH. A cooperative word game where nobody is allowed to talk, and you have to come up with and spell words around the table one letter at a time. You'll get pissed that your friends and family aren't as good at coming up with words as you. It's hilarious. (Also it's the size of a small pack of gum, which is fun) https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/shh-pack-o-game-chris-handy/1127744205?ean=0859094005077

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