I think a lot about how counselors have a board and all sorts of mechanisms for people to report harm and for it to be taken seriously. The fact that so many churches/denominations don’t have this is a HUGE red flag (same goes for spiritual directors too!)

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Such a good point!

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I've wondered this too! I'm curious if you have resources you could point me to about what the role of "pastor" was in the early church, of there even was one?

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I think we take a huge risk anytime we place someone on a pedestal. Frankly I don’t think it matters what profession it is because it happens in all of them. Any time, in any relationship there is an imbalance of power there is risk of abuse. As a fellow pastor, and of course as a good enneagram 8 😜, my aim is to work to fix the system. How are we truly listening to those we minister to? Creating systems of accountability? And seeking ways to put others (especially those who are more marginal) in places of authority?

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